Bibliography Bo Balder


Gods and Clowns”(forthcoming, Chinese translation, Chinese  Science Fiction World)


“Invitation to a Dance” (Nature Futures)

“Dead Nana Walking” (Metastellar)

“There is Another Sky”(Holland SF)

“There is Another Sky” (Stupefying Stories)

“Eddies are the Worst” ( Clarkesworld)

“Estivation Troubles”(Clarkesworld)

“Love in the Season of New Dance“(Clarkesworld)


“Warp or Weft to F&SF”(forthcoming 2024?)

“A Sea of Plastic” to Little Blue Marble Year End Anthology(reprint)

“Tulip Fever” to Forever Magazine(reprint,dec 2022)

“The Pirate’s Consigliere” to Clarkesworld

“Lost and Found at the Center of the Universe” to Flash Fiction Online

The Drowned City to Future Fiction SF(forthcoming 2024?)

“The Temple at Transmission Station Kootwijk” to Lovecraft in the Polder

“Butterfly Hunt” and “Op Vlinderjacht” to Samovar

Hatching” to Clarkesworld( August 2022)

The Gang Assembles” to Daily Science Fiction 

What Color is a Cat by Moonlight” to Catscast 

A Sea of Plastic” to Little Blue Marble

“Stone Time” to Apex&Abyss(forthcoming 2023)


Shrink the Mountain” to Shoreline of Infinity (May 2022)

There is Another Sky” to Stupefying Stories (June 2022)

“Blondie Rides to Town” to Kaleidotrope (forthcoming 2022)

Splat Day” to DSF

“What Big Teeth You Have” to Nature Futures

“Everything but the Moon“(reprint) to Holland SF

“Shaping the Future with a Sharpie” to DreamForge

“The Answer was Snails” to Clarkesworld

“The Force Exerted on the Mass of a Body” to Clarkesworld


Grey-blooming Nightmare to MYTHIC bimonthly

Tulip Fever to F&SF(June 2021)

All the Senses to DSF

The King Must Die(as De King Moet Dood) aan EdgeZero 2019

A House of her Own to Holland SF(juni 2020)

The Revolving Couch Therapy Ride to Dark Matter Magazine(April 2021)

Quantum Fish to Clarkesworld (May 2020)

The Bambi Collaboration to Parsec(Nov 2020)

The Smartest Goddamn Machine, to Analog (April 2020)

Everything But the Moon to Amazing Stories

Zookeeper to Shoreline of Infinity(forthcoming)


Goldfish and Tea to Daily Science Fiction(Dec 3 2019)

Alone on the Cold Hill’s Side, Mythic Quarterly (forthcoming)

Breadcrumbs for an Alien to Nature(07 august 2019)

I Bid Genocide to Daily Science Fiction, Oct 1 2019

Erdenweh, to Clarkesworld(May 2019)

De foefbom/The Knack Bomb to Samovar

Free Women of Vinland, to Stormcove Hotel Anthology

Under the Dogrose, Mythic Quarterly 9

Shaker Loop, Best of Shoreline of Infinity (August 2019)

She Knits the Universe a Pink Angora Sweater (Artemis Rising 5,  march 2019)

The Mad Hatter’s Sister in Best of Bracken (july 2019)

Kintsugi(flash) to Pseudopod (June 28 2019)

Murk Girl, Bright Girl to Kaleidotrope (April 2019)

De King Moet Dood,

The Face of God, to Clarkesworld ( feb 2019)

The Soft Eyes Open to Blue Marble  (feb15 2019)


“A Woman’s Voice ” to Apparition Lit

De Kathedraal van Kootwijk to Lovecraft in de Polder

A Vastness to Clarkesworld(June 2018)

“An Island and Its Boy” to F&SF(nov/dec 2018)

“Glow-in-the-dark Girlfriend” to After the Orange Anthology

Alien Whisperer to Stupefying Stories 20

Cirque des Etoiles to Cirsova 9(with cover from the story)

A House of Her Own” (first published in F&SF) to Flame Tree Press Alien Invasion anthology

Cardinal Skin to Abandoned Places(Shohola Press, March 2018)

Splitting Up to Shoreline of Infinity

A Cigarette Burn On Your Memory” to Clarkesworld jan 2018


The Bridgegroom to Clarkesworld

A House of Her Own” (first published in F&SF)  at Escape Pod

The Meaning that You Choose” to Flame Tree Press Time Travel Anthology

Joining the Degreasers to Kaleidotrope

She Waxes While We Wane(reprint)  to Audible

If You Can to Brave Boy World, a Transman Anthology by Pink Narcissus Press

I Die a Little in Nature Futures

I Am Your Rabbit(flash) to Bracken III


Follow the White Line to Clarkesworld Magazine

A House of her Own(reprint) to Heiresses of Russ 2016

Unraveling(flash)to Freeze Frame Fiction

Skin  Hunger(flash) to Nature Futures(Oct 1)

Shaker Loop to Shoreline of Infinity

She Waxes While We Wane to Spark, A Creative Anthology( VIII)

The Drowned City to City of the Future anthology, Scifutures Press (april 2016)

Even Paradise Needs Maintenance, Futuristica Vol.1 ( June 2016)

The Wan (novel) with Pink Narcissus Press, jan 2016

The Meaning that You Choose” to Crossed Genres (#35)

Amsterdam’s Gods” to The Colored Lens (summer 2016)

“A House of her Own” to F&SF (Sept/Oct 2015)

Daddy’s Home to The Big Pulp Zombie Anthology II

Lego Man” to T. Gene Daviss’ Speculative Blog, Jan 19 2015

Bog Trade” in Twice Upon a Time Anthology by Bearded Scribe Press, retellings of fairy tales and other well known stories, Jan 2015;

Shelley Unbound” in “Dreamscapes into Darkness” Anthology by Firbolg Publishing (2015);

 “The Wan” Cover revealed (publication 2016)

She Waxes While We Wane to Soulful Ember

Civil Troll in Local Magic Anthology by Antimatter Press(Oct  2015), with my story as the cover inspiration


Spume Horse in Wicked Words Quarterly 2

The King Must Die in Electric Spec Aug 31

The Knack Bomb in The Colored Lens Summer 2014

Many the Sorrows He Suffered at Sea” in

Sater with Link Publishing (NL)

Cirque des Étoiles with Link Publishing(NL)


The Doll Is Dead” in eMag Penumbra

The Knitted Man” in Stitches, Witches and Bitches Anthology by Evil Girlfriend Media.  

De foefbom in Ganymedes 13 (NL, print)


The Hump” to Bewildering Stories. It was chosen for the 2nd Quarterly Review.

Ramkoers” in Wonderwaan (NL, print)

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